Monday, January 27, 2014

"Monsters" on Dancing with the Stars & the Ballet

In the 3rd Year of Let's Play Music, we do a fun and scary puppet show to Prokofiev's "Montagues and Capulets" from Romeo and Juliet.  We call it Monsters!  

Here is the ballet of Romeo and Juliet with Prokofiev's music : (The first part is the section the students will recognize.  Then you could skip to the end, where they get out the swords.  Or enjoy the Fine Arts by watching the entire segment.)

On April 30, 2012, a couple on "Dancing with the Stars" danced to the same music.  I want to give a Modesty Disclaimer - the costumes are not modest.  (So you don't need to show it to your child.)  Here is the link. The music is from 2:37-4:20 minutes...if you want to skip to just see that part.

After your child watches the video...encourage your child to DANCE to the music!  Get out some props...long skirt, big scarves, or swords and let the creativity flow!  (Parents, make it more fun by join in with some dramatic moves of your own.)