Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Family Night

Research shows that Successful Families spend time together!  Since we have a young family...we are together a lot!  But we still do an "official" weekly Family Night.  Here is the Outline that my parents used when I was in their house and what Carl & I currently do with our kids.  

Lesson:  It ranges from "character building values" (like honesty & sharing) to Scripture Stories to Holidays.
Special Number:  When I was younger, my siblings usually did musical numbers.  Our kids used to do a summersault (and we CLAP!), then headstands or cartwheels, and now it has transitioned to a song on the piano!  (The child LOVES to hear the entire family clap for him/her!!)  
Activity:  This is a game!  Last night we played Sardines (one person hides and everyone seeks and then crawls in to hide with him).  While we were counting, Lydia started playing the piano keys (bottom to top) as a way to "count" or pass the time.   Next turn, we gathered around the piano while the next person hid and Cynthia (my 2nd year student) said all of the letter names of the white keys while we played bottom to top.  LOVED it..that was way more fun than counting to 50.  
Treat:  This is the kids favorite part!  (especially if it is their turn to make the dessert earlier in the day)

The entire Family Night takes about 30 minutes and is something that the kids look forward to!  We rotate each week with a Conductor for our 5th job, who tells everyone when to do their part (since we have 5 in our family).

I love that one of the vision statements for Let's Play Music is to "Bond parent to child."  I feel like Family Night helps us "bond together"...maybe you want to try it in your family.  Or at least gather around your LPM student as a family and CLAP for him/her after a song is performed!  

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Piano Guys

What does the inside of a piano look like?  (I grew up with a dad who tuned pianos...so I've seen inside many pianos.)  These 5 Piano Guys use the inside of the piano to play a song:

In 3rd year of LPM, students write their own composition.  This one was written by Jon Schmidt (the pianist) and co-written by Steven Sharp Nelson (the cellist).  Michael Meets Mozart:

The Piano Guys have many musical videos!  This is my son's favorite...Cello Wars!

Check out The Piano Guys website:  http://thepianoguys.com/ 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Cadence Blues

Thank you to Phil (Abigail's Dad) and Mat (Zac's Dad) for bring in their guitar and bass guitar to play with the 5pm Class.  The 3rd year students love groovin' to this song!