Thursday, August 29, 2013

Musical Journey Begins

This is one of my first-year classes.  The first semester in the 3-year program is Red Balloons.  I'm excited for this all-boy class...we are going to have a lot of fun this year as we sing, dance, and play together!  

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Piano Tuner Phone Numbers

It is important to have a tuned instrument when learning piano!  

Joel Weber  970-663-9565

Bob Otterman 970-490-2120

Piano Posture

Click here to go to The Well-Balanced Pianist for some great tips on sitting properly at the piano.
The website has photographs of different set ups for adults and children.
1. Use a phone book or foam gym mats for them to sit on so their forearms are level.
2. Put a footstool on the floor so their weight can be slightly on their feet.