I attended a
WONDERFUL 3rd Year Training last weekend!!! It is going to be so
much fun, I can hardly wait! I just wanted give you a preview of
some of the skills your child is going to be able to do the 3rd year in
Let's Play Music.
They will
- Music Staff: ALL the notes on the staff (by letter) and where to play them (on the keyboard). Time Signatures (and the function of measures & counts).
- Number Counting: So that when they go on to a Private Piano teacher, they know “how to count” all of our bug rhythms.
- “Magic Keys”: sharps, flats, and naturals (and how they change our moveable “DO” to different keys.)
- Transposing: mentally changing keys (to pay a song higher if necessary)
- Chords: How to build a Triad, How to find the root of a chord, and understanding the chord inversions (and root position).
- Classical Music: Learn ABA Form, themes and variations. FUN puppet shows!!
- How to Compose a song to perform at the Recital!!!
- and much more!
is CHALLENGING stuff!!! But because the students have such a strong
foundation in music...this is going to be a natural progression for
them! (and the parents are fortunate to get to learn along with
them...so don't be scared.) One great thing about LPM is that these
musical concepts are taught through song lyrics! (you get terrific CDs!!)
I'm so excited
about what kids will be able to do after 3 short years in Let's Play
Music. It's amazing!!