Fun Theory


1.  Kit Kat Keyboard Game (after Green -Lesson 6)
Is the key under a group of two or a group of three?  See how fast you can name IF if is a C or F on the keyboard by playing this game.
2.  Interval Practice (after Green -Lesson 7)
This is a quick, fun practice to help "cement" intervals into your student's brain.  Play this game.
3.  Treble C & Base C (after Yellow -Lesson 6)
Practice Bass C and Treble C by clicking on this link.
4.  Name the White Keys (after Yellow -Lesson 7)
Practice your "keyboard geography" this game.


1.  Name that Black Key (Purple semester)
Is it a sharp, is it a flat?  Is it BOTH???  Play the game.
2.  Name the Notes on the Staff (Orange semester)
Use the song to remember the names of ALL the lines & spaces in both the Treble Clef and Bass Clef.  Play this game.